Category: Crypto

  • A Simple Plan To Become A Millionaire

    A Simple Plan To Become A Millionaire

    I want to share a simple plan to become a Millionaire. It is one of the most important financial concepts I’ve ever learned. I wish I would have thought about this more and ‘drilled for skill’ to make this knowledge into a belief and a habit when I was younger – as it would have led to my financial success more quickly. 

    How Anyone Can Become A Millionaire

    It is a very simple plan on how to become a millionaire.

    It applies to Fiat money, and in another post I show you the math and how to make plans to become a crypto millionaire – you’ll soon see that the simple principles below can be even MORE powerful when applied to cryptocurrency altseasons!

    Bob Proctor and John Kanary taught a series of fantastic ‘Born Rich’ seminars back in the early 1980’s. Yes, more than 25 years ago… it is so powerful you would think that everyone would know about it these days…

    One segment of this seminar on building prosperity, wealth and success, detailed the simple formula for becoming a millionaire with a plan that anyone could achieve. This segment of their seminar really struck me. It was a profound truth that I had neglected for decades.

    I listened to this segment many, many times. I wrote it out. I practiced reading it aloud. I created free webinars about it and I’ve included it in this book so I can teach other people – as a way of repeating it in my own mind with as much emotion and conviction as I can muster. Since that time I have been implementing this strategy – and the results are predictable, in a word… fantastic! 

    (And after I share Bob’s method – I’ll demonstrate how cryptocurrencies now provide even better results than Bob could have imagined back in 1982!)

    I paraphrase Bob as he commented…

    “Would you agree that you blow, waist or spend twenty bucks each week on things that you could do without?”  Bob asked.

    Imagine a different habit with me.  Imagine yourself folding up a twenty dollar bill at the end of the week and putting it into a simple wooden box. Now, imagine yourself folding up another twenty dollar bill at the end of the next week. See yourself placing it into the savings box with the first.  Each week, imagine placing another folded bill into the box. Each week you see your growing assets. Imagine the feeling of accomplishment you would have when you open the box and see a stack of eight twenty dollar bills – and you fold up another to add to the box.  As the weeks turn into months, and the months turn into seasons, each week, you set aside another $20. 

    Over a time of 50 weeks you have now saved $1,000 – and you have also created two very important habits

    You have created the habit of watching your money grow – and you have also created the habit of protecting that money from all the desires, events and opportunities that you faced from day to day throughout that entire year. Just imagine the accomplishment you now feel as you view that stack of money! As a matter of fact – the feeling of accomplishment has now become a habit for you, and you are building a deeper belief in yourself, wouldn’t you agree?

    Habits are hard to break, isn’t that right? 

    Now, think about this – imagine you established this habit in your youth, and repeated this simple plan through all of your working years, lets say from 20 years old until you were 60. At $1000 per year over 40 years, you would have saved $40,000. Correct? 

    However – this could have been worth more than one million dollars with ONE simple ingredient… one simple strategy that requires no more time and no additional effort! This one strategy, a simple bit of knowledge – could have made this $40k into more than a million dollars!! What is this magic strategy that can have such a profound effect on your wealth and comfort? 

    The Magic Strategy That Transforms Money

    The magic strategy is earning interest. Earning Interest?  How can such a small thing make that magic difference, you might ask?  

    Earning interest, and putting that interest to work to earn more interest – can have a dramatic effect on the success of our simple $20 per week savings plan! Let’s imagine that, instead of folding up your $20 bill and placing it in a wooden box with the others – imagine that you put that $20 to work on your behalf.

    If this money was to be , instead of the $40,000 you saved –

    invested and grow at a rate of 10% per year, you would have a total of $482,000

    If it was invested and grown at a rate of 12% per year you would have $840,000

    Invested at a rate of 14% per year, compounded monthly, you would have $1,490,000!

    And all you ever need, to ensure a comfortable retirement with more than a million dollars in the bank, is to know about the life-changing power of this little $20 per week plan, along with the magic of compound interest. 

    Anyone can do this.

    Bob Proctor was teaching this in 1982 – but 25 years later – WHY IS IT that less than 20% of our population retire wealthy??

    You may point out that bank interest rates are less than 3% per year on the very best savings account – and many savings accounts do not provide any interest at all…

    Well, later on – I’m going to show you a way that you can start with a micro-investment and start earning profits from the trends in cryptocurrency prices.

    But I’m getting ahead of myself.  We are going to get into the Bitcoin earning information right away, and then I’m going to show you how to start earning interest on your micro-investment… But before we do – reflect for a moment – on your current habits with money. 

    Three Categories Of People, And Their Money

    Bob Proctor points out the following simple truth: People fall into three categories when it comes to money:

    1. Their monthly budget is slightly negative and they are spending a little more money every month then they are earning

    2. Their monthly budget matches their income and they have no money at the end of the month.

    3. Their monthly living cost is less than their revenue, they put away regular savings.

    If you were to guess – what percentage of the population do you feel would fall into each of these three categories? 

    Recently a top respected Canadian newspaper, Global News, quotes that “Canadians are dreaming of retirement but they are not actually saving for it” and they point out the following facts:

    According to Statistics Canada, in 2012 just 23.7 per cent of Canadian tax-filers contributed to a tax-sheltered Retirement Savings Plan.

    From that, we can infer that 75% of Canadian fall into Bob Proctor’s first two categories – and it may be the same in other countries as well.

    Does Money Solve Money Problems?

    What if you gave more money to a person who has a habit of spending more each month than they have?  What if you gave more money to a person who has the habit of spending all the money they have?  Do you think more money solve their money problems?

    What about the example of people who have won the lottery, and within a few years they are in far worse financial shape than they were before they won the lottery?

    The truth is, more money just magnifies the habits that you already have with money.

    More money highlights the tragic flaws we have with money,
    or the virtues we have learned and nurtured about money. 

    If we trace back where your relationship with money began, it follows that the habits you have are a result of the actions you took.  Your beliefs determine your actions, and your beliefs were generated when you learned something. If we learn something, the new knowledge may not become a belief that changes your actions.  Just because we ‘know’ we should do something, doesn’t mean we will do it.  There is a space between knowledge and action.

    So the big goal is not to make more money to solve your money problems, because more money will just fall under the same routine and habits that you already have with money.  More money doesn’t solve money problems. 

    It is kind of a paradox until you change the way you think and feel about money.

    Throughout the rest of this video series, starting with goal setting for our micro-investing with Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, you are going to learn the specific steps to make money work for you – but more than that… the feeling of accomplishment that you experience when you make money work for you, will completely change your belief about your future wealth.

  • THE Practical Guide To Cryptocurrency Trading

    THE Practical Guide To Cryptocurrency Trading

    What you might expect from a video guild Guide To Cryptocurrency Trading, is advice that you should check the fibonacci levels, you should study Elliott Wave principles, you should learn to read candlesticks, look for ascending wedge triangles, bull flags, pennants, and the list goes on…

    I find many of those trading guides helpful, but they don’t often provide a complete and practical system that follows a trading situation from start to finish – PLUS those extra details you need to become a consistently profitable trader in the long term.

    What follows in this video series

    This Crypto Trading Guide video series is divided into sections.

    1. Before we get into technical analysis and the details of trading this plan, the first set of videos uncover our relationship with money and how to use the laws of money to set the stage for trading success.
    2. The second series of videos include our trading plan, the entries and the exits.
      In addition to The Five Stages of a Trade.
    3. The final set of videos include case studies for tackling specific trading difficulties.

    Would you agree that every crypto trader uses technical analysis to help them make money?

    If that is the case it stands to reason that technical analysis is a skill where we should develop PILOT LEVEL expertise, isn’t that right?

    I wouldn’t recommend learning to be a pilot though a video series, but I CAN show you a complete and practical approach to trading bitcoin, cryptocurrencies and any other market!

    Hi, my name is Doug, and along with the team at, I am happy to present our latest video guides for cryptocurrency enthusiasts:

    This tutorial series is intended to provide the entire trading plan and make it easy and accessible for the complete beginner.

    We also provide premium education, courses, trading alerts and private community.

    If you are saving and investing in crypto already, you are at the front of the line for achieving financial success

    Remember: in life you can earn a little, or you can earn a lot, it is largely up to you.

    No one is smarter than you and no one is better than you. If someone is doing better than you with money, it’s because they know something – that you can learn, model, drill for skill.

    Your past performance is no indicator of future potential. You owe it to yourself to learn how to be one of the highest earning, most successful people trading these markets.


    My Short Story

    Some of you are new to and this is the first time you’ve come to know about us, but you may know that I took my first course on Commodities Futures Trading back in March of 1995.

    And I started YouTube videos and workshops October of 2009 – as I practiced trading the 1-2-3 pattern on the price of items bought and sold within the online multiplayer game of Runescape!

    It wasn’t until 2015 that I ‘discovered’ bitcoin. I started the bitcoin trading video journal and blogged about my progress and difficulties as I traded cryptos for profit.

    Over the years, I’ve created well over 1000 trading journal videos! I was completely determined to document my plans and then look back and learn from my mistakes.

    My Guide To Cryptocurrency Trading

    As a result of sharing my video journal online, I’ve had the honor of answering thousands of questions which helped me to clarify every stage of my trading plan.

    I am very humbled by the fact that 1000’s of students from over 70 different countries around the world have registered for my courses! That is just amazing to me and I could not be more grateful for having all of you aboard!


    Originally created as a written trading plan for my own use, what follows is a formula of how I actually changed the way I was thinking and feeling about money and then how I earned micro-bits of digital currencies and invested them for fantastic profit.

    The lessons are presented in the order that I would have my younger self learn – rather than the hit-and-miss journey of trial and error that I actually took over the decades.

    The tutorial series is not intended to cover all areas of education about cryptocurrencies, nor is it a complete manual for trading and investing. I am not a financial advisor. The purpose of this video series is to share my written trading plan in a tutorial format that may help shorten your journey to financial success and financial freedom!


    I believe all trading skills, indeed, all skills with money are learnable.

    Once you learn a specific trading strategy, I recommend that you use it over and over again to ‘drill for skill’. Bring up historical charts and do back testing. And each time you study, repeat and practice, you get better at waiting for the high probability setups, and you begin to consistently achieve results at just the right time.

    I’ve never been more excited about the potential for new cryptocurrency investors!

    My angle with bitcoin and crypto is not so much in the amazing technology and how that may disrupt business in every sector, I’m sure it will – but I am much more excited about how these new easy-to-access micro-investing opportunities in cryptocurrency can help anyone start from nothing, earn money and grow it.

    We now have access to more powerful financial tools than any generation in history.

    I hope this video series leaves you with the sense
    that YOU CAN DO THIS!

    You CAN follow these simple rules. You CAN experience more consistent profits and success – as I have… even if you have failed in the past.

    Thank you for joining me on this journey. We have more than 50 videos in the planning, and your questions have already grown our list!

    Please leave your requests in the comments below any of the videos in this series!

    Let’s get started with the essentials you need to know to build serious wealth in micro-steps.

    You’ll learn new ideas that may change your actions which can lead to dramatically different results, as you will discover!

    Trade safe, and keep those losses small.


  • How The Laws Of Money Apply To Crypto

    How The Laws Of Money Apply To Crypto

    What Do You Think About the Laws of Money?

    Get out your ‘Money Pen’ and your Trading Plan notebook.  I have an exercise for you that I want you to take action on and I want you to follow through and do it. 

    Don’t just think about this and agree with it… I want you to actually take the action.

    Taking action will show your subconscious that this new knowledge is already becoming a belief, and you are now making that knowledge into a habit.

    I want you to write this down and have this answer for reference later, so that you can see if your answer changes over time.

    My question is: 

    What would you do if all of a sudden you had some ‘extra money’?

    Write down what you would do if all of a sudden some extra money came your way.  Let’s not make it into a big lottery winning or something… imagine something realistic for you.

    What would happen if you had ‘a little extra money’?  

    Write down your answer what you would do.

    What would happen if you all of a sudden got ‘a lot of extra money’?  

    Again, write down your answer. What would you do?

    Use your ‘Money Pen’, and physically write down your answers in your ‘Trading Plan Booklet’
    you’ll want to review your answers in a few months or maybe a few years.  

    Keep a Trading Journal

    There is no right or wrong answer, it is the action of starting to create a success journal so you can speed up how fast you improve your financial success!

    Start the habit of writing your own trading journal.  Write down your answers.

    All successful traders keep a journal, for the same reason that all successful athletes keep a training log. It helps focus your mind back onto the next step in your long term goals.

    We’ll talk more about how a trading journal can help you correct your errors to reduce your losses and how your trading journal will help you reinforce correct thinking and increase your profits!  Your trading journal is really powerful. So start the habit now.

    The Laws of Money

    The earth and the cosmos works on exact principles. 

    The effects of gravity are so stable that we can land a satellite on an asteroid that’s going around the Sun.

    We can do incredible things with science because the laws of nature are that precise. 

    And the laws of money are that precise and reliable too. 

    This video series will place some of that precise knowledge into your hands. 

    You will begin creating new beliefs, which will change your habits – and in time, change your results. Because the laws of nature are that precise.

    How We Think About Money

    It’s important to consider how you think and feel about money. Fact is, you have already been interacting with money your entire life – as a child, you were taught habits with money by watching others, and as an adult you now have your own experiences with money. 

    Unfortunately, many of us only learned our financial habits from the slick sales ads from banks and credit companies, who profit from selling us into debt!! 

    Starting today, I ask you to review and become aware of how you feel about money. 

    Be open and honest about what your habits are with money – so that you can reject the propaganda of the legacy banking systems, and finally start modeling the good thinking and good feeling habits that wealthy crypto investors already use… and which I will reveal to you.

    The first focus is to show you how simple this is. and that anyone can do it. 

    You will soon discover this key: that money works for you – and not the other way around. You will discover how to change this new knowledge into an emotional, deep-in-your-gut belief. ‘Money works for me’.  When you are in firm possession of this key, it will inspire action. Action that you can ‘drill for skill’ until it becomes a habit that is as familiar as tying your shoelaces.

    And –  you also discover why most people FAIL – and how to avoid the most common pitfalls.

    How to Make Money

    Later in this video series, I’m going to give you some knowledge about how to make your money work for you and have it make more money for you. We also review exactly how to make this knowledge into a belief that changes your actions.  Change your actions and you can expect to change what you get as results. Changing your knowledge may not change your actions… so we need to know how to change our beliefs. 

    I’m going to show you exactly the specific steps of how I changed beliefs that were holding abundance away from me! 

    By repeating these principles over and over again, you can develop everything you need to make money, keep it, and make your money work for you!  As you repeat small success after small success, you will feel excitement and enthusiasm – emotions that help to rewire the way your subconscious thinks and feels about money! 

    You are going to embed in your mind the mantra: ‘Money Works For Me.’ 

    Repeat that three times in your mind: ‘Money Works For Me.’

    You are going to prove it. You will experience the satisfaction – and the benefits. You will be happy to repeat the success until it becomes a habit that is automatic.

    So here’s what I invite you to do… 

    As you go through my personal philosophy of financial success – I want you to think about how this applies to your specific situation – because not too long ago I was very much where you might be right now… I was struggling to pay bills. I was angry and resentful about money. I was passive-aggressive about budgeting, and as a result I had very little money. 

    For me, trading bitcoin on a well known exchange was like video game points.  It was separate money from my bank account that had a very different emotion connected with it. I could leave it without spending it and instead I began to practice making it grow and grow…  this is the very process I used to start fast – and I’ve never looked back!

    Knowledge vs Belief About Money

    Let’s begin with a review of how you think about money, and what effect those thoughts might have on making money and growing that money into a fortune.

    To begin with consider the difference between having ‘knowledge about something’ and having ‘a belief in something’. 

    Would you agree that difference might affect actions that you actually end up taking? And isn’t it true that your actions lead to the results that you end up getting?

    I’m going to share knowledge with you and demonstrate specific examples that have changed my beliefs. These new beliefs changed the actions I take with money – which, step by step, has lead to dramatically different and better results for me! 

    And I think these beliefs can do the same for you.

    Start Slow and Certain

    We begin with the focus of providing you a sequence of sure and certain financial successes – that you can repeat, and repeat – to build the all prosperity you desire and deserve. 

    You will prove to your subconscious mind that ‘money works for you’. 

    You, and many others who watch this video series, are going to become financially independent – I predict crypto millionaires – with a deep reservoir of assets. And then you’re going to purchase many fantastic fun things for your life!

    Why can I make such a bold prediction?


    1. You will see how easy it is,
    2. what specifically to do,
    3. and how to build the beliefs that create new habits, that in the long run, assure your success.  

    Putting this knowledge into action can change your beliefs about money – and change the way you interact with money in all areas of your life.

    What is Risk Capital?  

    We are starting out our investing with Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies because we can start off with micro-amounts of ‘Risk Capital’ to begin investing and growing our money. 

    Starting with micro-investing with bitcoin allows us to skip some of the steps that investors had to go through in the past.  We no longer need to set up an account with a brokerage firm and deposit thousands of dollars to place our orders while paying high commission fees in order to start investing.

    Risk Capital is money that you could lose and it would have no effect on your assets, it would have no effect on your savings, and it would have no effect on your monthly bills and expenses. Risk Capital is truly ‘extra money’.

    The Risk Capital Hierarchy 

    Ideally, if someone taught you about money when you were young, you would already have the ongoing habit of saving part of your earnings. When the savings accumulated enough, you would purchase assets.  Your assets would produce revenue – which could be used as Risk Capital in speculative investing.

    If you are like me when I was beginning, you have a poor relationship with money and have no savings. 

    You must start out finding ways to earn free Bitcoin.  And while Bitcoin is money… it’s kind of separate from our regular living and job earnings with FIAT currency. So the little amounts of digital currency can be lost without risking your rent or mortgage payment, or your groceries… 

    Because these micro-bits of money can be lost without any consequence to you – that fits the definition of ‘Risk Capital’, no matter how small you are starting out.  For me, this is the ‘killer app’ that Bitcoin represents – the possibility for anyone to start of from nothing and begin micro-investing to establish new habits and new thinking about money.

    You are at an advantage to learn these financial strategies with cryptocurrencies because ‘Risk Capital’ has different emotional feeling connected to it, than does your survival money.

    Speculating and Investing vs Gambling

    It is important to make a distinction between speculating and gambling. Our focus is to stay away from the gambling mindset.  I’ll explain more about that later – but this course starts off with the long term, careful and considered mindset of an investor.

    Remember the chant ‘Money works for me’,
    and not ‘I’ll be lucky with money’.

    All of us are emotionally connected to money because it is part of survival, security, comfort and freedom. When you have lots of money everything’s a lot easier – when you don’t have money… not only are circumstances more difficult, but you may begin to doubt yourself. 

    I know. I’ve been there. I’ve had a long years of financial struggle. At the base of it, I put this book together as my own University.  I compiled the best lessons I learned and created my own universe(ity) so that I become more successful with money, and so I would become a better trader and earn profits consistently – as fast as possible.  

    Many trading gurus focus on the technical parts of trading and skip over the personal motivations that give us the power to overcome difficulty and keep going when success is not immediately evident.   In order to make ‘successful trading’ a long-term habit, you must have a personal connection with your deepest motivations. 

    Be sure to watch our videos on setting goals for success in crypto trading.

    Thank you for joining me on this journey on understanding how The Laws of Money Apply To Crypto. We have more than 50 videos in the planning, and your questions have already grown our list!  Please leave your requests in the comments below any of the videos in this series!

    Thanks again, be sure to hit the Thumbs Up and subscribe and hit the notification Bell icon so that you receive notice when the next video in the series is published. Sign up on our website to receive the video sequence for free and to learn about our premium services

    Trade Safe and Keep Those Losses Small

  • Want to be SUCCESSFUL AT TRADING Cryptocurrency?

    So you want to be successful at trading cryptocurrency’s? Why exactly?

    Answer these questions to uncover the answers that will keep you going in times of difficulty. (watch PART 1 if you are New to Crypto Trading and setting goals)

    Is it because you want more money?

    Is it because of the excitement of trading?

    Is it because you hate your job?

    Are you in debt that is overwhelming you?

    Do you want to have the freedom to work from anywhere in the world?

    Is there somebody you want to help with the money?

    What is the reason that you want more financial success?

    What exactly is it that you want?

    Go and get a new hardcover notebook and a nice pen and physically write down what it is you want and why.  

    Knowing what you want is important but be very clear on why you want it.

    Two people can read this book and start out on the same goal of being successful at trading, one person succeeds, while the other fails… why is that? They both have the same starting advantage – a methodical, proven approach to positioning and taking profits… why does one person succeed and the other person give up and quit?

    Most often it’s because the person who succeeded had enough reasons to keep them going when trading was difficult.  During difficult times and bad luck, the successful person reflects on why they want the success, they study their mistakes, and start again. 

    While the other person failed and gave up after their first few losses. Their reasons for striving toward success were not bigger than the pain of facing their mistakes, correcting course, and starting again.

    Statistics say more than 80% of new traders in stocks, commodities and cryptocurrencies lose money and quit trading within the first few months. They did not get clear and ‘drill for skill’ on their strategies, and they were not in touch with their deepest motivations to help them through the period of learning the skill of trading.

    Pleasure And Pain

    Would you agree that we are motivated by two things in life, pleasure and pain?

    Isn’t it true that some people are motivated to take action to get away from pain, while other people are motivated to take action to move towards pleasure?  Which are you?

    One is not better than the other. You can generate fantastic success with either motivation system – once you acknowledge which one moves you into action, you can put it to use for your own success. 

    One of the biggest pains in life is believing your dreams will never come true. When you write down why you want to be successful at trading and then study the strategies in this book, your motivation, and these proven tactics, should make your reasons big and strong enough to overcome the pain that you may feel while learning your skills in trading.

    My First Experiences With Trading

    My first experiences with trading were terrible! I lost all my money – twice! Both of my first two starting campaigns in trading were a miserable failure. Many others would have taken this as discouragement and given up, especially after studying so hard for several months before starting each time – and then having such poor results back to back!

    But I kept applying and practicing the strategies that you will read about in this book. I never stopped reading the charts and watching the markets to build those pattern recognition skills… and in time I was able to enjoy my first $10,000 day in profits! If I had quit, if I had stopped practicing when I had no money, and if I was not willing to start trading again with less than $100 starting funds, I never would have seen my money grow by more than 50x in just a few years of Cryptocurrency trading!

    My eventual success would never have happened without my belief in this methodical approach to the markets, without my clear purpose and my clear personal mission! I had plenty of reasons for achieving the success that I was seeking and I would repeat them to myself over and over again when success seemed out of my grasp!

    The Fuel In YOUR Fire!

    Your reasons for wanting to be successful at trading are the fuel in your fire! When you know deep in your gut – why you want this success – these reasons will keep your desire strong and your inner drive focussed when the markets are difficult to trade.

    So go and get that notebook and a nice pen. Let’s call it your ‘Trading Plan Notebook’ and your ‘Money Pen’. I’ll ask you to write in your Trading Plan Notebook a few more times, so get a new booklet that you will keep. 

    Stop the video here, grab your MONEY PEN and PLAN BOOK, and go and write down 50 reasons why you must succeed as a crypto trader!

    You may be thinking how could I find 50 reasons? I don’t have time to write down 50 reasons!

    The truth is if you can’t find 50 or even 100 reasons to succeed, start with 5 reasons. And build from there.  Take the time to draw these motivations to the surface of your thinking and repeat them into the core of your subconscious.

    You CAN do it. And it is so worth it.

    Successful At Trading Cryptocurrency

    I believe in you.  I believe in the small trader.  I know the results that I have attained are within reach of anyone. If you can learn to drive a car, you can learn these skills. 

    Before we look at chart patterns, position sizing and risk control rules – give yourself fuel for your fire! 

    Go to a library or coffee shop and plan to spend a few hours writing down your reasons to succeed. This should be fun!

    The first several reasons you write down may be superficial and obvious. That’s ok. Write them down… but after you get past the first 20, you’ll start to find some deep and personal reasons for succeeding. 

    You may reach back to dreams and hopes and goals that you thought you gave up on years ago.  Write them down.

    Get back in touch with your small dreams and your big dreams, bring your goals back to the front of your mind, and they will give you the emotional charge to get you back on track toward becoming the successful, financially free person you want and deserve to be.

    If you want to achieve success with cryptocurrency trading, get crystal clear on exactly what you want and why. That is the foundation to your success – technical analysis is the easy part.

    I really appreciate reading the comments below these videos. The comments help us shape the next videos in the series. So if you have a question, or something you want deeper explanation about, drop us a note down below.

    Thanks again, Trade Safe, and Keep Those Losses Small. 

  • New To Crypto? Trading Gurus Won’t Tell You This

    If you want to achieve success with cryptocurrency trading, get crystal clear on exactly what you want and why. That is the foundation to your success – technical analysis is the easy part.  It’s our personal motivations that give us the power to learn, practice, and master a new skill.

    Hi, my name is Doug, and along with the team at, I am happy to present our latest guide for new cryptocurrency enthusiasts: 

    This video series is like a roadmap for trading cryptocurrency with a low-time commitment approach that can fit into the lifestyle of a busy person.

    No matter if you are starting out with less than $100 to trade, or if you have over $100,000 to trade, this video series will show you how to make profit trading the trends in the crypto markets. 

    Want To Be Successful Trading Crypto? Why Exactly?

    The Laws Of Money Apply To Crypto

    A Simple Plan To Become A Millionaire

    Before we start, I want to assure you this is not about a ‘get rich scheme’ and we’re not going to show you the next five coins to become a millionaire. There is no promise of earnings and no guarantee that you will get any results or earn any profit. We’ve taken every effort to ensure we accurately represent our strategies and services and their ability to improve your trading or grow your portfolio. 

    Lets Jump In

    This approach to trading cryptocurrencies will work even if you have a full-time job and a family. 

    You can manage your cryptocurrencies in as little as 10 minutes a day after you’ve finished this video series. It’s full of proven strategies and tips for managing risk while positioning your money to create long-term success as a trader.

    In this video series, you can expect to learn ‘The Five Stages Of A Trade’ and much more important habits that are key to safely growing your money over time. You can expect to learn how to pick a coin or token, how to protect yourself from risk, and you will learn when to take profits on your trades! 

    I’ll share with you a neglected habit that new traders skip over, and reveal a power-strategy that all successful Pro Traders use!  All of that is baked into the total approach that you will learn in this video series!

    If your trading approach takes more than 20 minutes per day, then you are working for your money like your money is the boss of you! To me, this is… well, against the goal of the project. 

    But more than that, day trading may also have tax consequences.

    I always start by recommending Simply connect your exchange via the API and quickly run a simulation of total gains and losses and estimated tax reports.

    We need to prepare in advance for all the potential risks in trading crypto… and learn when to position our money so it works for us while we are also working… or, spending time with family, playing music, doing yoga… 

    The Key Foundation For Trading Success

    Learning, motivation and inspiration are critical as you begin with small cryptocurrency positions.  When you start micro-trading with a very small investments, it is important to imagine and rehearse the feeling of the success of the final wealth goal as you are taking these small actions – for indeed, every small action really does build up and begin changing your life in profound ways!

    Get crystal clear on what you want and why.  

    Many trading gurus focus on the technical parts of trading and skip over the personal motivations that give us the power to overcome difficulty and keep going when success is not immediately evident.   In order to make ‘successful trading’ a long-term habit, you must have a personal connection with your deepest motivations. 

    You will need to reconnect with these when the markets go sideways for months and test your patience… you will need to reconnect with these motivations when the markets go against you in spite of your best planning. 

  • Investing $500 in Crypto?

    Investing $500 in Crypto?

    Can you get into crypto with just $500? Yes.

    Let’s detail a proven, trend following plan that we now use, and break down exactly how we construct our cryptocurrency portfolio with the best altcoins for the current altcoin season.

    The Crypto SmartWatch rebalances our crypto portfolio. And each time we create a crypto portfolio update, we try to build a helpful resource for newcomers to see a solid plan for entering into the cryptocurrency markets, even if you are starting out right now.

    Rate My Crypto Portfolio

    As you review your crypto holdings to select which altcoins to hold, it’s important to have a static measuring tool to compare against. This objective trading plan provides clear directions in all stages of the trade, and it should be applied to each coin in your portfolio.

    By applying a fixed trading plan against every alt/btc pair on binance, we can gain objective data about the best altcoins to hold at any time. The Crypto SmartWatch color coding lets you see the answers in an instant, though it does take some study a first to understand what it is telling us.

    The quick answer:

    The answers are actually very quick to understand.

    Get the Free Crypto Trading Plan PDF!

    This system is not complicated. It has been working long before computers were invented, and it works even even now.

    Step By Step

    I want to illustrate the most important element to understand.

    Everyone who is seeking a methodical, proven, objective way to get started in crypto – can begin and build success starting with just $500 – if we understand the three phases in this simple graph.

    ( Check this list to find a good cryptocurrency exchange )

    If you understand why my portfolio is more heavily weighted toward Bitcoin while Bitcoin Dominance is rising, then you are more than half way along in entering into the cryptocurrency markets as an investment and not just a gamble.

    Trading Altcoins To Grow Our Bitcoin

    We construct our cryptocurrency portfolio with the altcoins that are growing in us dollar value faster than bitcoin, with the aim of growing the number of satoshi we hold.

    We apply the identical, proven, trend following trading plan to each alt/btc pair trading on Binance. ( get the PDF )

    Visual Trading Guide

    Trading The Overall Trend

    Rather than gambling on a few star performing coins, we recognize that altcoin markets trend together as a group.

    We take a small position in those coins that match our trading plan entry signal and diversify into coins that we catch at the moment they flash our trend change pattern. This live crypto portfolio started off with about $500 worth of bitcoin to invest.

    NOTE: While this portfolio was set up using real money and real trades were placed, it is not a recommended selection of the best coins, but simply the first coins to fire a signal as we are testing the Zignaly trading bot signals in a live Binance account.

    Which Altcoins Do You Recommend?

    Because we may not have the funds to trade everything, we have to create a thoughtful short list. Narrowing down our choices, you want to focus on good projects with promising technologies.

    Many of the top YouTube resource channels provide fantastic fundamental information about the projects behind the coin.

    But MORE IMPORTANTLY, the timing of when you hold these coins will help you achieve the highest expected returns while avoiding risk and volatility. Simply monitor the color code of your coin to determine the best time to hold or release each coin!

    Using Historical Data For Expected Returns

    Prior Bull/Bear cycles of the altcoins have revealed critical data for portfolio construction preferences built on objective historical performance. Unexpected performers may become evident and can be considered in building the best cryptos of our portfolio.

    Can We Trade New Crypto Projects?

    Do not limit your selection to coins that have been around for a few years. Even if the project has not been through a complete market cycle, we can trade any market that is passing our signal on the 12 hour bars… and sometimes even on the 4 hour bars.

    We don’t need complicated analysis to trade the altcoin season trends, and we don’t need to know in advance which coin is going to the best long term bet.

    You can start off with $500 or begin with $10,000.

    Simply use the color coded crypto trading spreadsheet that reviews everything on Binance every single day. We call it the Crypto SmartWatch.

    The real power of this cryptocurrency position spreadsheet is that you can see when your selected cryptocurrency assets are in the NEW ALERT and NEW HOLD status.

    You can quickly go and review when your altcoin goes into hold status you can quickly see when your top list of the best altcoins are passing the exit signals!

    Our Crypto Trading Plan PDF explains everything.

  • HOW I made $500,000 Trading ALTS

    HOW I made $500,000 Trading ALTS

    HOW I made $500,000 Trading Crypto

    In this video, I review my simple crypto trading plan step by step. I’ve literally made hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars trading this pattern.

    You may ask oh what did you start out with? I really started out with nothing.

    • In January of 2015 I got a $15 tip online from youtube videos.
    • By may of 2015 i had worked and earned my way up to $500 in cryptos.
    • By may of 2016 I had 10 times my money! I was up to five thousand dollars!
    • And it went on and on until January 2018 I was over five hundred thousand dollars!

    All of these profits are from trading crypto with this specific pattern! Exactly the same pattern that I used in all of those trading days!

    You know, it’s not because I’m a genius in trading! I didn’t make this up! I learned this system, applied it, and now I’m sharing it with you!

    It’s simply because of this trading pattern and I was in the right place at
    the right time… just as we are standing right now at the right place and the right time.

    My Favorite Way of Trading Cryptos

    This is my favorite way of profiting from trading cryptocurrencies because it requires so little time to manage, and it does not trigger the addictive trading habits of day trading.

    I am super stoked to share deep information with you here, because I want you to understand these deeper elements of trading the one two three pattern and managing your risk control.

    Now one last thing before we jump into the charts i want you to get the worksheet so that you can follow along and put this into use.

    After you go through this and you see this is valuable and you want to have this help every day I think that the Crypto SmartWatch subscription is so worth the small monthly fee!

    Now let’s jump in:

    The bull market watch spreadsheet (now know as the Crypto SmartWatch), is following some simple rules

    • it’s looking for the 1-2-3 bottom formation
    • the break of the down trendline
    • and the 12 hour 60/20 exponential moving average crossover


    An alert in the spreadsheet means almost have the 1-2-3 pattern nearly completed, the down trend line is nearly broken and the exponential moving average has nearly crossed over – all three trading conditions are nearly in place so the coin is given an ALERT status.

    BE ALERT!! This coins could just blast off!!

    This is a huge advantage to see a chart pattern like this and be prepared as it’s getting ready to break out – that trading crypto alert signal can be worth a great deal!

    The False Breakouts

    Fake-out break-outs happen a lot on the 4 hour time frame which is why this trading system is tuned to focus on the 12 hour time frame.

    It is better to filter it for the entry by waiting for the 12 hour to confirm and cross and even then we have to have risk control rules to protect us


    After we break above our trading crypto entry signal, then we would put our stop just above and we have two different exits to prepare for.

    We have the option to get out or take partial profit on the 4 hour ema cross and get back in on the four hour ema cross.

    We would exit the full position on the cross of the 12 hour exponential moving average.

    The great thing about the Crypto SmartWatch spreadsheet is that you get to SEE exactly which coins are in alert and hold stance. And just by scrolling down, you’ve got the complete synopsis of what’s going on today!

    Which are the new alert coins? Which are the new hold coins? You can quickly go over to these charts and do this analysis yourself.

    Even if it you are not trading, you can be paper trading these! You should be taking this and work this knowledge into your brain!!! Repeat it over and over and over again until it is so habitual that you just do it without even a thought.

    Where can you learn more?

    Complete, Practical Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Trading Plan for Beginners

    Go to the home page of the website sign up put your email in, verify your email then sign up on the website and you will get the cryptocurrency trading plan that is exactly HOW I made $500,000 Trading Crypto.

    You will learn ‘The Five Stages Of A Trade‘ and what is required for success in trading crypto!

    And I want you to know that this isn’t just theory, this is what I put into practice from 2015!

    I want you to get serious about the potential of these altcoins right now. Get this free training, put this under your belt. Download the study guide, even print it out, and follow along as you are doing this 30 minute webinar. When you’re done, you’re going to be one level up in all of your trading knowledge!

    Learn how our automatic trading bots now provide this same cryptocurrency portfolio rebalancing strategy!

    Make it a daily habit by practicing it.

    It really does work and you can do it!

    That’s it for this episode I am stoked super grateful to have you here! thanks
    again for tuning in, I can’t wait to hear your success stories!

  • How To Tell When A Coin Will MOON

    How To Tell When A Coin Will MOON

    How To Tell When A Coin Will MOON

    It’s really good to have a crypto trading spreadsheet that somebody has actually used in the past to make some really great income from trading… but it’s even better to look at some really recent examples of this trading plan actually playing out!

    Check out the page where we get some highlights from our PRO ALERTS Crypto Trading Signals.

    Crypto Trading Signal Examples

    Let’s take a look at bqx/btc chart and we’ll open up the original trading alert signal here we can see that we had a 1-2-3 formation setting up.

    We could identify the potential trading signal ahead of time and get ourselves prepared.

    As we move the chart ahead through time we can see what actually happened with this. We did come up and hit our original targets.

    Altcoin Bull Market Incoming

    The most amazing part about this is looking at other coins that are now in phenomenal positions that are just making their 1-2-3 formation and the exponential moving average is just crossing over and we’re just getting our buy signal right here on this coin there’s many other coins that are setting up like this.

    I’m super excited to share practical examples like this of how this trading plan actually works!

    Complete, Practical Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Trading Plan for Beginners

    If you haven’t already be sure that you get a copy of this trading plan and the webinar!

    I used to charge two hundred ninety nine dollars for this but now I give it away for free.

    I do that so that everybody who joins our free discord chat is going to have another level of preparedness for the conversation!

    Crypto Trading Signal Example 2

    Let’s take a look at another practical example in THETA.

    The original alert that we had in theta at the beginning of April and then we stop now and take a look at the price of theta currently and we bring this up we can see that…

    …we’re at ninety six percent profit even though prices went way up there and pulled back!

    For our pro alert strategy of building out our crypto portfolio, we did nothing we got into our original position now and you can see here that we are just sitting on top of this waiting for prices to complete this one two three formation and break higher then we’re going to add on to our larger position in this market.

    We do believe we’ve hit the beginning of the actual trend in this market in the years to come this is going to do a very much larger move in waves and waves of time and so we are preparing for a much bigger move than we’ve seen in the past with these crypto currencies and really want to keep ourselves in to these original positions as much as we can.

    Now keep your stops just above your entry let the market have some room and get ready for the bigger waves to come in.

    Crypto Trading Signal Example 3

    And a final example we can see here is our trade on LRC.

    We entered on 0.00000313 and we added on to it at 0.00000388 so we can see our original and our add-on entry alerts.

    Our original back in February as we made this extreme bottom

    and then prices came up they pulled back they made the one two three formation and we added on to it

    …and now you can see that we are holding 206% and 147% profit.

    Let’s take a look at that price chart here we are I’ve pulled the chart back this is a phenomenal example I’m so glad that we have this one in the recent price pattern.

    The Trend Reversal In Action

    Look at the downtrend line. This is what the free crypto trading plan teaches! We’re looking for the break of the downtrend line. Then we’re looking for a failed test of the recent low as our trend change formation.

    After this 1-2-3 Formation proves itself and the 12-hour exponential moving average crosses over, we have completed our basic signal. That’s where our original alert came from right there from this 1-2-3.

    Beautiful to see it setup you never know when it’s going to go so you have to play them and you have to play them small. Prices went on and we just left our stop-loss just above our entry and ignored it. It’s not our job anymore.

    Now we can watch how this plays out overtime prices went up very nicely and so now our stop-loss is above for both of those positions and we’re watching for the four-hour exponential moving average as a potential place to take part of our profit.

    But since we’re looking at a very very long term move coming up I really want to error on the side of, you know, keeping my stops way back and giving the market all sorts of room to come all the way back and retest the levels just above my entries. I just want to keep my stops just above my entry still at the very beginning of this kind of trade.

    And there are so many markets that are setting up just like this I want to finish this video by providing you with a solution so that you can get this kind of detailed answer really quickly and really visually.

    Crypto Spreadsheet For Google Docs

    We have the simple color coded crypto trading spreadsheet for google docs that reviews everything on Binance every single day. We call it the Crypto SmartWatch.

    The real power is that on the cover page of this cryptocurrency position spreadsheet. Scroll down and you can see which cryptocurrency assets are in the new alert status. You can quickly go and review those when an altcoin goes into hold status you can quickly see and go and review those to see if they should be in your crypto trading portfolio!

    Even better you get to see which coins are passing the exit signals. Review coins to remove from your portfolio at this time.

    We give you the trading plan for free over on our website so that every buddy who’s in our discord chat is one level up and then we have these added value services like our Crypto Smartwatch Portfolio Spreadsheet which gives you the color codes – idea for beginner crypto traders. The bull market watch spreadsheet (now called the Crypto SmartWatch) helps to give you that daily structure and that long-term approach so that you can really be in position.

    You may also wish to consider the PRO ALERTS for more detailed crypto market coverage.

    Super great to have you guys along I look forward to seeing you in the free training in our discord chat or in some of our added value services, like our smartwatch crypto trading spreadsheet, that are going to help you in your trading build that structure and that success that you know is out there don’t miss out on it see you on the inside.

  • Addicted To Crypto Trading?

    Addicted To Crypto Trading?

    You Are A Crypto Trading Addict?

    If you wonder if you addicted to crypto trading, you are not alone – and there are solutions. The elements of addiction and gambling are a consistent risk that traders must always be on the guard against.

    Signs Of Crypto Trading Addiction:

    If you are feeling muscle tension, a slight background anxiety, if you are checking bitcoin and altcoin prices several times through the day… if you are thinking about your trading while engaged in other activities – you could be edging into the dangerous area of trading outside of your trading plan.

    The emotions you feel while you are trading are much more important than many acknowledge. The negative emotions created by gambling and addiction-style compulsive need to watch all the prices – can begin to affect all of the relationships in your life.

    What is the reason to trade cryptos?

    For financial freedom – for time freedom. To have my money work for me, rather than me working for money. If you are trading in such a way that it takes away from the reason you are trading in the first place, then you are likely feeling stress.

    What is the solution?

    Changing your thinking. Review your long term goals in all aspects of your life and find a way to participate in crypto trading that opens more space the joy and success in your life. This may require smaller trade positions. Eliminate margin trading or leveraged trading. Automate your trading strategy so you catch opportunities without compulsive monitoring.

    Re-focus and diversify your time onto many aspects of crypto trading and investing such as lending, trading bots, yield farming and other means of passive earning in crypto.

    Perhaps the most important, and easiest change to make is to ensure that it easy to track your trading from day to day.

    Overcoming Crypto Trading Addiction

    When you feel relief – you are on the right track.

    When you are spending less time managing your trading – you are on the right track. As you joyfully participate in other activities, and never think about your alts – you are on the right track.

    There is a time to work hard and put the hours into studying everything you can learn about cryptos – and then it’s time to take a position… and stop thinking about it.

    If you are feeling addicted To Crypto Trading, you are not alone. It is important to know that others have overcome this vicious loop and returned to a happier way to approach financial growth and success.

  • Crypto Trading Signals

    Crypto Trading Signals

    Get crypto trading signals , chart analyses, targets and stop-losses. Supported by Educational Trading Videos, Tutorials and one of the best discord communities for crypto traders!

    View screenshots and ask questions in our live Free Discord Chat.

    Keep current in minutes per day!

    No complex mathematical trading bots with mystery signals – instead you get a clear approach to trading the massive and profitable trends in Bitcoin and cryptocurrency markets!

    Our proven cryptocurrency signals follow the methodology we have taught since 2015. Thousands of registered individuals from over 70 countries around the world have benefited from our courses and training!

    Now you can quickly find explosive trading opportunities and walk through the entire trade cycle as our Discord community helps you learn the entire trading system!

    Best Crypto Signals on Discord

    We put it to the test and provide cryptocurrency trading signals with ongoing support on Discord Chat. Backtesting included!

    Our Crypto Signals and Trading Alerts are for Binance Coins and Tokens, and automated through Zignaly.

    Cryptocurrency Trading Course Education Package Add On For Guided Trade Analysis.

    We have partnered with payment processor Coinpayments, and now accept many different cryptocurrencies!

    Free and Premium Training

    Our Premium Crypto Alerts service option provides outstanding ongoing educational value to our trading course graduates. For active traders looking for an edge, our signaling service keeps you informed at all times by providing you with the latest signals!

    But our Free email series may be the most transformational training we provide!

    I know from my own struggles and results, that you CAN be successful in growing your crypto holdings, even if you are starting with nothing, even if you have failed in the past.

    Join Us On YouTube

    Commentary on the bitcoin market and deeper studies on the cryptocurrency markets. What ever your next step to improve your trading success, you’ll learn a simple and proven method for finding the best potential trade opportunities.

    Crypto Community on Discord

    Get live access to other traders, alerts subscribers and course graduates from around the world! 7 days a week, drop in and see what is going on in our daily crypto market scans. Ask questions and submit your trade ideas for commentary and feedback!

    Get up close and make the most of this unique opportunity to work with new and experienced full time cryptocurrency traders as the trading patterns unfold! Put the course lessons in action and start today to build the habits of a successful trading approach.

    Daily Videos

    Not only does our Crypto Signals and Alerts subscription provide you with heads-up before a trade call is fired, you get the complete trading plan and educational backup to support all stages of your learning.

    • Bitcoin Market Commentary
    • CryptoCurrency Bull Market Watch
    • Alerts Entries/Exits and Risk Control Review Videos

    Our ongoing market commentary is based on the crypto trading plans we teach in our course and practice in our own trading.

    Crypto Market ALERTS

    Now is the time.

    • Have you ever wanted to look over the shoulder of successful cryptocurrency traders and read their personal trading journal as they trading cryptocurrencies?
    • Would you like to have their trading plans as a guide, and learn what they look for as a trade unfolds?
    • Did you ever wonder how they identify repeating patterns in the markets, and make money?

    Total Binance Market Scan

    Crypto Market ALERTS subscribers receive access to our spreadsheet covering all of the Binance cryptocurrencies. These highly trusted trading exchanges trade the hottest tokens and coins!

    Our trading strategies and risk management approach, along with the specific ALERTS and ongoing market coverage – can become the most valuable asset to transforming your trading habits and growing confidence in your own appraisals of the markets!

    Crypto Trading Community

    Our crypto trading signals and crypto trading bots are supported by a helpful group of traders.

    Everyone has access to the same trading strategies and the same courses – so we all speak a common language when analyzing the price charts. Everyone is encouraged to personalize the basic approach to match your personality and the amount of time you are able to dedicate.

    We are a Free Discord Crypto Trading group of like-minded people practicing the same proven trading strategies.

    Many of our lifetime members are course graduates who are happy to help you build specific habits that successful traders share.

    If you are new to investing in cryptos or a struggling trader seeking more discipline, our group is a great way to learn an approach that works.

    We help beginning crypto traders to build the habits required to successfully grow their money.

    Crypto Trading Signals for Beginners to professional Crypto Portfolio Managers.Automated Trading Bots, Manual Trading Alerts, Education Videos, Community.

    We monitor 100’s of altcoins and tokens and provide easy-to-use alerts about hot crypto markets before they break out!

    Start with the Crypto SmartWatch