New To Crypto? Trading Gurus Won’t Tell You This

If you want to achieve success with cryptocurrency trading, get crystal clear on exactly what you want and why. That is the foundation to your success – technical analysis is the easy part.  It’s our personal motivations that give us the power to learn, practice, and master a new skill.

Hi, my name is Doug, and along with the team at, I am happy to present our latest guide for new cryptocurrency enthusiasts: 

This video series is like a roadmap for trading cryptocurrency with a low-time commitment approach that can fit into the lifestyle of a busy person.

No matter if you are starting out with less than $100 to trade, or if you have over $100,000 to trade, this video series will show you how to make profit trading the trends in the crypto markets. 

Want To Be Successful Trading Crypto? Why Exactly?

The Laws Of Money Apply To Crypto

A Simple Plan To Become A Millionaire

Before we start, I want to assure you this is not about a ‘get rich scheme’ and we’re not going to show you the next five coins to become a millionaire. There is no promise of earnings and no guarantee that you will get any results or earn any profit. We’ve taken every effort to ensure we accurately represent our strategies and services and their ability to improve your trading or grow your portfolio. 

Lets Jump In

This approach to trading cryptocurrencies will work even if you have a full-time job and a family. 

You can manage your cryptocurrencies in as little as 10 minutes a day after you’ve finished this video series. It’s full of proven strategies and tips for managing risk while positioning your money to create long-term success as a trader.

In this video series, you can expect to learn ‘The Five Stages Of A Trade’ and much more important habits that are key to safely growing your money over time. You can expect to learn how to pick a coin or token, how to protect yourself from risk, and you will learn when to take profits on your trades! 

I’ll share with you a neglected habit that new traders skip over, and reveal a power-strategy that all successful Pro Traders use!  All of that is baked into the total approach that you will learn in this video series!

If your trading approach takes more than 20 minutes per day, then you are working for your money like your money is the boss of you! To me, this is… well, against the goal of the project. 

But more than that, day trading may also have tax consequences.

I always start by recommending Simply connect your exchange via the API and quickly run a simulation of total gains and losses and estimated tax reports.

We need to prepare in advance for all the potential risks in trading crypto… and learn when to position our money so it works for us while we are also working… or, spending time with family, playing music, doing yoga… 

The Key Foundation For Trading Success

Learning, motivation and inspiration are critical as you begin with small cryptocurrency positions.  When you start micro-trading with a very small investments, it is important to imagine and rehearse the feeling of the success of the final wealth goal as you are taking these small actions – for indeed, every small action really does build up and begin changing your life in profound ways!

Get crystal clear on what you want and why.  

Many trading gurus focus on the technical parts of trading and skip over the personal motivations that give us the power to overcome difficulty and keep going when success is not immediately evident.   In order to make ‘successful trading’ a long-term habit, you must have a personal connection with your deepest motivations. 

You will need to reconnect with these when the markets go sideways for months and test your patience… you will need to reconnect with these motivations when the markets go against you in spite of your best planning.