A Low Time Maintenance Crypto Investing Strategy will follow the ebb and flow of altcoin seasons.
By assigning your money the task of monitoring the price of a coin on your behalf, you can take advantage of the volatility of the market and ensure you are positioned to make a profit without spending all of your time watching charts and analyzing data. Once you set up your trades, stop watching the markets and let your money to it’s job.
Make Your Money Work For You
Trading cryptocurrencies with the correct strategy can be a great way to make your money work for you, even while you’re doing other things.
Our goal is to deploy our equity into a diversified group of cryptocurrencies when altcoin season is starting and to unfold those holdings as our exit signals flash.
Diversify At The Right Time
Another advantage of our trend following approach to trading cryptocurrencies is our focus on diversifying your investment portfolio. Instead of putting all of your eggs in one basket, you can position into a variety of different coins, which can increase your chances of catching those extreme movers. This is especially true in a market as volatile as the cryptocurrency market, where prices can change dramatically in a short period of time.
Limit The Cost of Risk
One of the most important things to consider when trading cryptocurrencies is the cost of the money you are willing to risk on the trade. This is similar to the cost of an insurance policy, as you are essentially insuring your investment against missing out on potential gains. By positioning investing a small percentage of your total investment capital in any one trade, you can minimize your risk while maintaining a position for the chance of making a profit.
One strategy that many traders use is to set stop-loss orders, which automatically sell a coin if its price drops below a certain level. Mastering this simple tool will shift your thinking about the cost of small losses as an insurance that you will not miss out on the big gain investments that are possible in crypto.
How To Dollar-Cost Average into Altcoins
You can pump up the power of simple Dollar-Cost Averaging with our Low Time Maintenance, trend following Crypto Investing Strategy.
Low Time Maintenance Crypto Investing
Outperform Dollar-Cost Averaging with this Low Time Maintenance Crypto Investing Strategy. Reduce risk with an altcoin seasonal trading.
Trading cryptocurrencies can be a great way to make your money work for you, even while you’re doing other things. By assigning your money the task of monitoring the price of a coin, you can take advantage of the volatility of the market and make a profit without spending all of your time watching charts and analyzing data.