Plan To Be A Millionaire

A Simple Plan To Become A Millionaire

Let’s get started with a clear picture in your mind, of your successful experiences with money. Implement the simple strategies that follow, and YOU WILL SEE that money works for you. You will see how easy this process is, and you will quickly build the confidence that you can do it.

Okay, it’s time to dive into action but first I’ve got to tell you – ‘I am so excited for you!‘

You are at the start of something BIG!

I look forward to hearing about the challenges that you face, and the profits that you make – as you put these strategies into practice and really get some results for yourself! I invite you to follow on social media and join our moderated forums – access additional training and videos, become a member of our community, and let me know how this knowledge is changing the way you think and feel about money.

A Simple Plan To Become A Millionaire

I want to share the most important financial concept I’ve ever learned. I wish I would have thought about this more carefully when I was younger – as it would have led to my financial success more quickly.

It is a very simple plan on how to become a millionaire.

Bob Proctor and John Kanary taught a series of fantastic ‘Born Rich’ seminars back in the early 1980’s.

One segment of this seminar on building prosperity, wealth and success, detailed the simple formula for becoming a millionaire with a plan that anyone could achieve. This segment of their seminar really struck me. It was a profound truth that I had neglected for decades.

I listened to this segment many, many times. I wrote it out. I practiced reading it out loud. I presented free webinars about it so I could teach other people – as a way of repeating it in my own mind with as much emotion and conviction as I could muster. Since that time I have been implementing this strategy – and the results are predictable, in a word… fantastic!

(And after I share Bob’s method – I’ll demonstrate how cryptocurrencies now provide even better results than Bob could have imagined back in 1982!)

It’s Just Twenty Bucks

I paraphrase Bob as he commented…

“Would you agree that you blow, waist or spend twenty bucks each week on things that you could do without?” Bob asked.

Imagine a different habit with me. Imagine yourself folding up a twenty dollar bill at the end of the week and putting into a simple wooden box. Now, imagine yourself folding up another twenty dollar bill a the end of the next week, and you place it in the savings box with the first. Each week, imagine placing another folded bill into the box. Each week you see your growing assets and feel the accomplishment. And as the weeks turn into months, and the months turn into seasons… each week, you set aside another $20.

Over a time of 50 weeks you would save $1,000 – but you have also created two very important habits.

You have created the habit of watching your money grow – and you have also created the habit of protecting that money from all the desires, events and opportunities that you faced from day to day throughout that entire year. Just imagine the accomplishment you feel! The feeling of accomplishment has become a habit, and you begin to learn a new habitual belief in yourself, wouldn’t you agree?

Habits are hard to break, isn’t that right?

Now, think about this – imagine you established this habit in your youth, and repeated this simple plan through all of your working years, lets say from 20 years old until you were 60. At $1000 per year over 40 years, you would have saved $40,000.

However – this could have been worth more than a million dollars with ONE simple ingredient

One simple strategy, and no additional effort – could have made this a million dollars, instead of $40,000. What is this magic strategy that can have such a profound effect on your wealth and comfort?

Magic Strategy That Transforms Money

The magic strategy is earning interest. Earning Interest? How can such a small thing make that magic difference, you might ask.

Earning interest, and putting that interest to work to earn more interest – can have a dramatic effect on the success of our simple $20 per week savings plan! Let’s imagine that, instead of folding up your $20 bill and placing it with the others – you put that $20 to work on your belalf.

  • If this money was to be invested and grow at a rate of 10% per year, instead of the $40,000 you saved – you would have a total of $482,000
  • If it was invested and grown at a rate of 12% per year you would have $840,000
  • Invested at a rate of 14% per year, compounded monthly, you would have $1,490,000!

And all you ever need to ensure a comfortable retirement with more than a million dollars in the bank, is to know and believe in the life-changing power of this little $20 per week plan, along with the magic of compound interest. Anyone can do it, but why is it that less than 20% of our population retire wealthy?

You may point out that banks interest rates are less than 3% per year on the very best savings account – and many savings accounts do not provide any interest at all.

Well, later on – I’m going to show you a way that you can start with a micro-investment and start earning interest, with no risk.

But I’m getting ahead of myself. We are going to get into the Bitcoin earning information right away, and then I’m going to show you how to start earning interest on your micro-investment… But before we do – reflect for a moment – on your current habits with money.