How To Safely Grow Bitcoin

It’s easy for anyone to earn daily interest on dozens of different cryptocurrencies! In this bonus training you will learn powerful strategies to safely earn compound interest and grow your cryptocurrency holdings!

This is a low-risk, low time-maintenance way to grow your bitcoin and cryptocurrency holdings. It is a set-and-forget investment strategy… and a good part of my cryptocurrency portfolio is dedicated to this powerful strategy.

I have been lending bitcoin and several other cryptocurrencies on the Poloniex and Bitfinex exchanges since the services were initiated – and I have never had a defaulted loan.

For many bitcoin investors, this may be the only strategy you need.

And, if you are just starting out making free bitcoin online through a referral program like ours – your first step is to funnel that bitcoin into these lending markets for daily interest that you can reinvest, compound, and grow without risk… while you are busy earning more bitcoin!

Lets Get Started!


It’s easy for anyone to earn daily interest on dozens of different cryptocurrencies! In this bonus training you will learn powerful strategies to safely earn compound interest and grow your cryptocurrency holdings!

You will gain the knowledge to create new financial results! Micro-strategies that can accumulate, compound and grow into serious wealth!

Is Bitcoin Lending A Scam?

I know what you might be thinking ‘Isn’t this like the thing my friend lost bitcoin doing?’

No this isn’t a scam.

I was skeptical at first too. And I experimented for months back in the summer of 2016 – with little bits here, and there. I found that I was profiting consistently – and I was earning fantastic interest rates compared to the best the banks are offering.

So I began to study, test, and document my results from these lending markets. As a way to prove it to myself, and as a way to share with others and learn from the comments and converstations that resulted.

Why It Works, Why It’s Safe

I began to understand: the reason these market can provide safe returns is because bitcoin is lent out to investors who put up collateral in order to borrow; and the investor must pay back the loan with interest before they can withdraw their collateral.

This way lenders are assured of earning interest with almost zero risk default on loans!

Here is an inside look at some of the daily interest rates for lending that I have been achieving when the market conditions are right:

Compounding The Interest

More than just amazing rates – the loans can be offered from two to sixty days, and often change over much more quickly.

The interest earned can be immediately added to the principle – and the new total made available for lending! Reinvesting the daily interest is a safe growth opportunity that provide unthinkable returns with low time commitment required from the investor.

This introduction will illustrate the power of bitcoin lending – but it is incomplete without the accompanying tutorial videos. Be sure you have access to the forums – you’ll find great support and additional information there!

How Lending Markets Enable Margin Trading

The Lending Market is Connected to the Margin Trading Market

The lending market is the funding mechanism for the margin trading market. Knowing when activity in the margin trading will create demand in the lending market, will help you identify when the best time is for lending – or, for taking a margin traded position.

Start with lending to the margin traders. Monitor how the lending rates change as the market prices go up and down. As you understand how each lending market is connected to margin trading – you will gain additional insights to help all of your trading.

Study the lending markets closely over the next few years throughout a few rising and falling markets.

Lending In a CryptoCurrency Bull Market

Poloniex provides option to lend in 11 different digital currencies, each of these lending markets is parallel to the matching margin trading market for the same currency.

The Bitcoin lending market is used when people are betting prices in the margin traded altcoins are going up. For example if ethereum prices are rising, then many people also take margin positions to the long side – that means they are using the Bitcoin from the Bitcoin lending market.

If Dash and Ripple and Monero and Litecoin all are rising as well, then many people take long margin positions in those markets – and this creates a great demand on the available coin in the Bitcoin lending market. As a result, the supply is used up, and the lending rates are sometimes bid up to extreme levels.

Strangely enough, when margin traded markets are going up, many people are also taking up short positions… hoping to make money because they think the market has topped out and prices will come down.

This creates a rise in all of the lending market rates!

By the fact that bitcoin lending rates go up – and – altcoin lending rates go up as market are rising – we can infer that people are taking larger and more risky margin trades as the markets are rising fast.

By focusing on lending your coin to begin with – you are observing the behavior of traders in the margin trading and gaining experience. You will grow your coin surely, and you will gain confidence in your ability to make your money work for you.

Remember again – the profound difference that $20 per week can have on your long-term future. Repeat this story to yourself each time you review your lending earnings – be the wise Whale – lend your coin in all of the lending markets and don’t get caught up in the daily drama about small price moves.

Be sure to read the Poloniex instructions for more complete details on how the lending markets and margin trading markets work together.

Strategy For Safer Digital Currency Investing

If you are new to these ideas, then repetition is your friend. Do not jump ahead and take action on any cryptocurrency trading until you have a portion of your portfolio set up in the lending markets for sure and certain growth.

If you are starting out like I was, then I can understand how eager you must be. But remember, I lost all my money – twice – when I first started trading. And it was because I didn’t realize I was stepping into a UFC Ring with the pros… and I didn’t get prepared for what could happen.

When I wrote out my trading plan and organized it – I put the steps into the order that I wish I would have learned them when I first started, and wrote the book I wish my younger self could have read.

Today, your mission is to implement some simple, safe bitcoin lending on Poloniex and Bitfinex… while you observe and learn.

There is no reset button once you lose you money! These tutorials permit you to get started in the safest way – to gain sure success and prove to yourself that money works for you.

Automate Your Lending is a free bot that automates the lending cryptocurrencies as much of the time as possible, at the best rates available. Register at, set up your Poloniex API to enable the bot.

Layered Lending Strategy

When you visit Poloniex, you can only see the current lending rate. There are no charts to show you the change in lending rates over time. There is no way to review the price trend of the margin traded coin over time, and compare that to the lending rates over time to come up with some correlations. And so, it is difficult to predict when the best lending rates might be likely – until you understand more about how these markets work on Poloniex.

The advanced lending is focused around a ‘layered lending strategy’.

Simply put, I take my digital currency holding and offer it for loans in small increments. Starting from a low lending rate for short loan periods (2 days), and offering little bits for loan at higher and higher rates, and for longer and longer loan periods – up to 5% per day and up to a 60 day lending term!

The Layered Lending Strategy helps ensure I have some coin lent out all the time, and reserves some of my coin to ensure I have some coin to lend if the interest rates get bid up to extreme levels!

Multi-Currency Lending

As you have likely discovered, Poloniex has a lending market in eleven different digital currencies, and Bitfinex provides a range of twenty two digital currencies including USD and EUD.
A key part of our advanced digital currency strategy is to diversify our digital currency investing, by purchasing an array of these coins, and setting them all into a Layered Lending Strategy.

The Whales Lending Case Study

The lending markets are overlooked by new altcoin investors. And yet – this is where we many big, quiet altcoin whales hangout. So let’s learn from them. Begin with buying a small position of bitcoin or some other currency, set it up in a layered lending strategy, and then turn your attention to watching the markets daily.

An investor could mimic these patient and profitable whales by

1. dedicating an investment into each lending markets on Poloniex
2. set up a layered lending strategy
3. that’s it, you are done.

This investment could remain as a hands-free portfolio that safely grows additional holdings over the next few years. It represents a low-risk strategy to build a diversified portfolio of digital currency lending, that only takes a few minutes a month to manage.

These strategies are not difficult. The concepts are simple. You can set it up in an afternoon, and you’ll have no maintenance and no worries.

Track Profits with CoinTracking

Prepare To Track Your Profits and Losses

Cointracking Register, set up the Poloniex API, view your reports! CoinTracking analyzes all your trades and generates real time graphs and charts.

Trade Importer:

* Easy CSV import from 26+ trading exchanges!
* Automatic import via APIs from the top exchanges
* List of all trades profit/loss and fees
* History charts to all 4000+ coins
* See Your Trade History On The Chart!

Tax Declaration:

* Capital Gains Report
* Prepared for accountants and tax office
* Variable parameters for all countries
* Saves hours of tedious bookkeeping

Tons of useful information such as the profit/loss of your trades, the value of your coins, balances, realized and unrealized gains, and much more. Most importantly, you can easily create reports for tax declaration!

Never lose track again

Of course it is easy to keep track of profit or loss for a handful coins and trades.
But what about a few hundred or even hundreds of thousands of trades?
Would you know how much your trades are worth, how much profit you’ve achieved each coin or how many fees you have paid?

Neither could I – That’s why I was so happy to find Cointracking – and why I’m so happy to recommend it to you.

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