The Wealthy And Their Money

How The Wealthy Think and Feel About Money

Micro Success To Build Joy Into Money

So now, starting with our micro-investing with Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, you are going to learn the specific steps to make money work for you – but more than that the experience that you gain about making money work for you, will change your belief about your future wealth. Imagine again, the habit of watching your money grow, and the feeling of accomplishment has become a habit. At this point, you have a new habitual belief in yourself, wouldn’t you agree?

Ultimately these micro-investments will change your actions with all aspects of money – success will build on success and develop more habits of financial growth… and from this moment forward, your financial future will be different and better.

How The Wealthy Think And Feel About Money

For most of my young adulthood, I didn’t understand the difference between how I was thinking and feeling about money, compared to how wealthy people think and feel about money.

I was overburdened with debt, I was short of cash, I was anxious and resentful about money. As a result, I put off doing basic accounting, which made things worse… In short, I had some powerful negative conditions in my life that could be traced back to my emotions about money.

It took me several years before I started to untangle my negative views that were causing me to attract still more financial difficulties.

In his book ‘The power of self-discipline’, Brian Tracy talks about the discipline to save a portion of all the money that you earn. I paraphrase, ‘a person with no money feels anxious, nervous and sometimes questions their own self-worth, while a person who has a little money, feels confident, they feel relaxed and they feel more optimistic about the possibilities of the future’.

With the lessons that follow, you will gain a series of successful experiences earning and growing micro-investments. You are going to prove to yourself that money works for you.

As soon as you think about money working for you, that your pile of money is a collection of workers that toil on your behalf… Then, all of a sudden, every dollar coming into your possession has a whole new meaning to you!

You are going to earn Bitcoin, you are going to keep it, and you are going to make that Bitcoin work for you.

In order to really attain financial freedom, it is important to deeply consider the way you think and feel about money.

If you are focused on what you don’t want, on your difficulties, on your worries, and your fears, then it’s hard to see optimistic possibilities without a guide, like this book, to remind you.

Your goal with micro-investing, is to think about what you want. To build up a series of low risk, positive experiences where you successfully make money work for you. The goal is to feel the accomplishment of mastering money in the smallest way, and as you gain skill at making money work for you, you will have new emotions where you are feeling eager about money.

Even the smallest successes will help nurture the feelings of anticipation about future successes, and good feelings that are the result of actively directing your money to work for you.