Preparation for success in trading
Many of these lessons I learned well after I started trading. I expect it’s the same for you.
As I’ve been reviewing, reformatting and editing the course over the years… these early sections are always the most significant in changing and improving my trading success!
I hope you enjoy each section and that it generates question and feedback in our Discord Chat! Let me know what you find useful, and what you find… unclear. Especially let me know if you think something has a blaring error or need to be retired… 😉
Preparation for success in trading by reviewing our relationship with money.
If you are saving and investing already, you are at the front of the line for achieving financial success. Your goal must be to operate your investing with maximum efficiency so that you can maximize your profits at every step along the way. If you are trading actively, you owe it to yourself to learn how to be one of the highest earning, most successful people trading these markets.
Remember: in life you can earn a little, or you can earn a lot, it’s a largely up to you.
No one is smarter than you and no one is better than you. If someone is doing better than you with money, it’s simply because they know more than you do – at the current moment…
All business skills and all skills with money are learnable. If you can drive a car, use a smartphone, or operate a computer – then you can learn any investing or trading skill.
Once you learn a specific skill, you can use it over and over again. And each time, you get better and can achieve better results in less time.
And today – I’ve never been more excited about the potential for new investors! My enthusiasm about cryptocurrency is not so much in the amazing technology and how that may disrupt business – but more how the easy-to-access micro-investing opportunities can help anyone start from nothing, earn money and grow it.
We now have have easier access to more powerful financial tools than any generation in history.
In this training series, I want to leave you with the sense that YOU CAN DO THIS! You CAN follow these simple rules and experience consistent profits and success – as I have… even if you have failed in the past.
How To Think About Money
It’s important to consider how you think and feel about money. Fact is, you have already been interacting with money your entire life – as a child, you were taught habits with money by watching others, and as an adult you now have your own experiences with money. Unfortunately, many of us only learned our financial habits from the slick sales ads from banks, who profit from selling us into debt.
Starting today, I ask you to review and critique what your habits are with money – so that you can reject the propaganda of the legacy banking systems, and finally start modeling the good thinking and good feeling habits that wealthy people have with money, which I will reveal to you.
The first focus is to show you how simple this it is and that anyone can do it.
You will soon discover the key knowledge that money works for you – and not the other way around. You will discover what might be required to change this new knowledge into a belief which inspires action that can build into a habit.
And – you also learn why most people FAIL.
How to Make Money
In the second part I’m going to give you some knowledge about how to make money. And we also review ways that you can make this knowledge into a belief that changes your actions. Your actions, of course, determine what you get as results.
I’m going to show you exactly the specific steps of how I earn free bitcoin from several different sources. And I guarantee that you can start on the path of making micro-bits of free cryptocurrency money – as soon as these tutorial are done!
How to Grow Money
In the third part you will discover a simple and low risk way to consistently grow and compound your cryptocurrency holdings – a strategy that only takes an afternoon to put into action and only requires a few minutes each month to review and manage!
By repeating these principles over and over again, you can develop everything you need to make money, keep it, and make your money work for you! As you repeat small success after small success, you will feel excitement and enthusiasm – emotions that help to rewire the way your subconscious thinks and feels about money!
You are going to embed in your mind the mantra: ‘Money Works For Me.’
You are going to prove it. You will experience the satisfaction – and the benefits. You will be happy to repeat the success until it becomes a habit that is automatic.
So here’s what I invite you to do…
As you go through my personal philosophy of financial success – I want you to think about how this applies to your specific situation – because not too long ago I was very much where you are right now… I was struggling to pay bills, and bitcoin was separate money that I could leave in an investment to grow and grow… this is the very process I used to start fast – and I’ve never looked back!
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